AEM is known for its re-usability and inheritance. It’s astonishing how a single component can be easily re-used across multiple locations.

Adobe provides a set of pre-defined components that comes with all the functionalities to build a website called core components.

To extend those components, a mechanism called proxying is used – where the instance of the component would be referred in our project. Let’s dive deep into the process.


Installation of core components into the AEM server.


To proxy, the core component in the custom code base, just refer to the core component’s path as sling:resourceSuperType like below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
    componentGroup="allAEMByKiranVedantam - Content"/>

The component structure looks like this

Note: While creating a new project using the latest adobe archetype, most of the core component’s proxies will be automatically created.

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